Dinorah Ereno
Environmental monitoring
Remote observation
The artisanal task of field research gains momentum
Biological silver
Nanoparticles from fungi are successfully tested on antibacterial fabrics
Ozone to be used to treat mining waste
São Paulo Company plans to clean contaminated water and soil
Business research
Global reference
Innovations in women’s health care are exported to the rest of the world
Corporate research
Flights of the Future
Embraer is investing in partnerships to develop biofuels and cabin innovations
Antitumor protein
A molecule found in the salivary gland of the star tick fights cancer cells
Business research
In search of new chemical routes
Oxiteno introduces products made from palm, soybean and sugarcane oils
Corporate research
Skin-deep science
Natura works with universities and research institutes to incorporate cutting-edge research within product development
Corporate research
Unbeatable forests
Suzano invests in energy and products to replace oil derivatives
Corporate research
Mining expansion
Vale invests in projects with a focus on mining and sustainable development
Corporate research
Beyond oil derivatives
Braskem invests in routes to biotechnology
Bioactive materials
Bone mimetism
Cellulose and glass membranes stimulate cell regeneration
Victorious path
Vladimir Airoldi exports synthetic diamond drill bits and wins an Finep award
new materials
Extremely high quality
Argila sintética elimina resíduos no processamento de nanotubos de carbono
Touched-up Beauty
Plant extracts and nano-encapsulated active are the trend among companies
A double dose of stimulation
Physical exercise with LEDs improves the health of post-menopausal
Forestry resources
Vegetable identification
Beam of light recognizes the chemical composition of species
Naval Engineering
Clean and efficient cargo ship
Brazilian ship has innovative system for loading and unloading