Mariluce Moura - Diretora de Redação
Letter from the editor | 211
Long-ago casualties, building for the future
Long-ago casualties, building for the future
Letter from the editor | 193
Solid contributions to Rio+20
Solid contributions to Rio+20
Letter from the editor | 192
Arithmetic of the brain
Arithmetic of the brain
Preconceived notions reassessed
Preconceived notions reassessed
Letter from the editor | 146
The naked, literal disease
The naked, literal disease
Letter from the editor | 145

Revolutions: genomics, ideas and behavior
Revolutions: genomics, ideas and behavior
Letter from the editor | 142
Against perverse circles and cycles
Against perverse circles and cycles
Letter from the editor | 134
Encounters and stimulating discoveries
Encounters and stimulating discoveries
Letter from the editor | 124
Defending the natural birth pattway
Defending the natural birth pattway
Letter from the editor | 111
A journey between pain, pleasure and ethics
A journey between pain, pleasure and ethics
Letter from the editor | 100
A collective work, carried out with pleasure
A collective work, carried out with pleasure
Letter from the editor | 97
Against the shadows of the imagination
Against the shadows of the imagination
Letter from the editor | 94
A different epidemic
A different epidemic
Letter from the editor | 86
On fire, shadows, cold and lights
On fire, shadows, cold and lights

Carlos Alfredo Joly and Vanderlei Perez Canhos:In favor of the environment
Amongst 142 countries, Brazil achieved a prominent position in the recently announced Environmental Sustainability Index. But the coordinators of FAPESP's Biota program warn: there is still plenty of room to be conquered in the international scena