Sea broccoli
Microscope image uses fluorescent antibodies to highlight the innervation of tentacles, which resemble broccoli
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Against the tide
Critical thinking and confrontational style made for Maria da Conceição Tavares’s enduring influence on economics
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Research animal supplier pays record fine for mistreatment of beagles
Research animal supplier pays record fine for mistreatment of beagles
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Retired researcher says open-access agreement is discriminatory
Retired researcher says open-access agreement is discriminatory
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Fewer armadillos and more jaguars in the Pantanal after fires
Giant armadillos in decline and jaguar populations increase after wildfires in the Pantanal
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Thousands of plant species live on rocks
Thousands of plant species live on rocks
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Agreement to reduce pollution by ships
Australia and Singapore sign agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from ships
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African countries demand more equitable partnerships
Scientists from African countries release manifesto demanding more equitable scientific partnerships
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Public health
Anti-HIV medication still poorly distributed
Distribution of preventive HIV medicine concentrated in major cities
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Alaskan rivers turn orange and acidic
Minerals in the soil alter water color in dozens of Alaskan rivers
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The chemistry of a teenager’s smell
Hormone residues alter body odor in adolescence
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Marsupial nursery
Large marsupial lived in Itaboraí (Rio de Janeiro) 55 million years ago
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Space exploration
Mars was like Earth
Rocks collected by Curiosity rover suggest Mars may have been more like Earth in the past
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Hospital infections caused by skin
Hospital infections can be caused by bacteria carried on the patient's own skin
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Canine expressiveness
Canine from Africa may have the same expressive features as domestic dogs
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Global warming
India, 52 ºC
Heat waves intensify in India, with temperatures reaching 52.9 ºC
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Cultural property
Egypt recovers stolen 3,400-year-old statue
Egypt recovers statue of Pharaoh Ramses II, stolen in the late 1980s or early 1990s
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In the reproductive sphere
Assisted reproduction project seeks to improve the quality of bovine eggs
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The importance of water in economic activities
Data highlights the importance of water to the Brazilian economy
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Good practices
American universities examine sexual violence on campus
American universities examine sexual violence on campus
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Good practices
Tool notifies readers if a paper is suspected of containing errors or fraud
Tool notifies readers if a paper is suspected of containing errors or fraud
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Songs born from trees
Book brings together scientific information, photographs, stories, and songs about Brazilian trees
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Mushrooms and biogas from brewery waste
Brewery waste used to produce biogas and feed mushrooms
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Another donation to Brazil’s National Museum
Brazilian National Museum receives donation of 1,104 fossils from the Araripe basin in Northeast Brazil
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FAPESP Board of Trustees speaks out on LDO
FAPESP Board of Trustees speaks out on the proposed 2025 Budgetary Guidelines bill
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A rare hybrid butterfly
Heliconius elevatus, a hybrid of H. pardalinus and H. melpomene, has more genes from the former, but inherited the coloration capable of scaring off predators from the latter
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New center to debate global issues
Center for Critical Imagination: Political Economy and Citizenship (CCI) will hold discussions on global problems
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