Complementary paths
One foot on land and the other at sea
Oceanographer reconciles academic life with his scientific diving company
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Caraça mountain range
Ancient forests in the state of Minas Gerais
Region may have been rainy and hot 30 million years ago
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Rarities in the reefs
Rarities in the reefs
Group describes three new marine sponge species
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Jatropha curcas
Genetics of the Jatropha curcas plant
Low genetic diversity limits cultivation success
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Rust free
Paint microcapsules inhibit corrosion
Microcapsules mixed into paints inhibit corrosion
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FAPESP's board of Trustees
Trustees appointed
Krieger and Martins are reappointed, Pedro B. Passos fills vacancy
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Medals in mathematics
Medals in mathematics
Brazil has won 18 prizes in recent international tournaments
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Open access
The advance of open access
Freely available articles in scientific journals exceed 50%
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The arrival of the Alpha Delphini
The vessel Alpha Delphini is christened at the port of Santos
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The victory of a vocation
Jacob Gorender contributed to scholarship on Brazil's history
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Good practices
China punishes those engaged in misconduct
China punishes those engaged in misconduct
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Recent Thematic and Young Investigator projects
Projects contracted in July and August 2013
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Private investment
Percentage of university research and development (R&D) expenditures financed by companies (2009) at the 18 U.S. universities that receive the most company revenues and at the three São Paulo State universities
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biota-fapesp education I
‘Biodiversity: concept, values and threats’ in Biota Education
1st conference meeting presents Brazilian ecosystems' biodiversity
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Biota-fapesp education V
Biota V: Researchers talk about Caatinga’s biodiversity and evolution
Talks showcase Caatinga’s biodiversity and evolution
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official gazette
Lafer reappointed president of FAPESP
Lafer reappointed president of FAPESP
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