Salvador Nogueira
Cannibalistic stars
Group explains how a class of pulsars consumes other celestial objects
Rainfall in the past
Study estimates South Atlantic's surface temperatures in the last 12,000 years
Breast cancer
Unexpected supporting actors
Normal cells like fibroblasts can facilitate tumor growth and hamper treatment
Body defenses
When the body destroys itself
A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of sepsis
Forensic analyses
Skin color written in the DNA
Tests can reveal racial characteristics without the person
Granular materials
The mysteries of sand
Movement of grains may improve the manufacture of materials
Evolution of the Universe
The birth of supermassive black holes
These enormous black holes that thrive at the center of galaxies
The great oxygenation event
Oxygen only started accumulating in the atmosphere 2.5 billion years ago
Accurate particles
Alternatives for the use of cells to battle diseases and accurate diagnoses
Returning to active service
Modernized, USP's particle accelerator is returning to active service
How a human being is made
Researchers map the network of adult human cells and their precursors
The secret of Perseus
Simulations explain the high temperature of gas in galaxy agglomerations