Biomedical Engineering
Vital implant
Stent produced by laser is going to reduce the cost of cardiac therapies
Electrical Engineering
Body heat
Equipment detects temperature variations by way of infrared radiation
Clinical Analysis
Without marks on the antibody
Equipment carried out the diagnosis of diseases based on antigens
Electrical engineering
Linked to the wiring
Small company innovates and produces current and magnetic field meters
Civil Engineering
Rubber in the safety barrier
Barriers produced with pieces of tires reduce impact in traffic accidents
Inside the rain clouds
A new system is going to forecast rain with up to three hours of anticipation
The ages of the earth
A network is going to spur study on the dating of rocks and finding oil fields
Speech Therapy
Precision hearing
Equipment for hearing tests gains a more efficient calibration system
Civil engineering
Economy with water taps
Rainwater serves to water plants and wash cars
Precision in sight
Equipment allows rigorous examinations on the curvature of the cornea
Materials Science
Rubber medicine
Material made from the latex of the rubber tree closes ulcers and rebuilds the esophagus and the eardrum
Hormone on the market
Small company teams up with Brazilian pharmaceutical industry to produce a medicine against dwarfism
Materials engineering
Extra toughness in the air
Unprecedented product gives more resistance to the wingtip lights of Embraer's aircraft
Molecule factory
Partnership between the Applied Toxinology Center and a pharmaceutical company results in an analgesic that is more potent than morphine
A fiber for all handiwork
Dry Curauá leaves have wide use; from car parts to clothes and medicines
Deep Stability
Researchers from USP develop an unprecedented project for a platform to extract oil on the high seas
From nature to the drugstore
An anti-inflammatory made from the extract of a plant from the Atlantic Rainforest, is ready to go on the market
Sparkling whiteness
Partnership between a university and company makes the production of a new pigment for the paints industry possible
Nanotubes on the market
Tiny carbon parts are already on sale for universities and companies