Issue # 73 _ March 2002
S&T Policy
A market in expansion
Biominas finds that 51% of companies has no more than seven years
The vaccine that protects the heart
Ambitious project begins to combat rheumatic fever, which attacks the heart tissue
By Adilson AugustoCattle
A sure shot
Vaccine ensures that only animals infected with the foot-and-mouth disease be slaughtered
A complete physicist
Dead at 96, Bernhard Gross coupled theory and practice with rare brilliance

Copies of perfection
ProClone is working to add quality and competitiveness to ornamental plant production in Brazil
marine engineering

Simulations on the screen and in the bay waters
Tanks from USP Coppe-UFRJ to help Petrobras explore for oil in ultradeep waters
By Yuri Vasconcelos and Wagner de OliveiraHumanities
Capitalism with a Brazilian face
A study reveals the idiosyncrasies of the national administration of companies
By Maria Inês NassifDiplomacy

The Quixotic liberal of the Republic
Book recovers the ideas of Oliveira Lima, the pioneer of nationality