- Urbanization and small household agricultural land use choices in the Brazilian Amazon and the role for the water chemistry of small streams
- A survey of remote sensing-based aboveground biomass estimation methods in forest ecosystems
- Opinion: Building a 21st-century infrastructure for the social sciences
- The roles of textural images in improving land-cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon
- Current situation and needs of change detection techniques
- Methods to extract impervious surface areas from satellite images
- A comparative analysis of approaches for successional vegetation classification in the Brazilian Amazon
- Acceptabilité sociale et place de la population lors de la construction du barrage de Belo Monte (Brésil)
- Blaming the weather, blaming the people: socioenvironmental governance and a crisis attitude in the Brazilian electricity sector
- The construction of health causal relations in the Belo Monte dam context
- Differences and similarities in impacts of hydroeletric dams between North and South of Brazil
- Roads and dams: infrastructure-driven transformations in the Brazilian Amazon
- A survey of remote sensing-based aboveground biomass estimation methods in forest ecosystems
- Le Vivant en ville: Nouvelles émergences
- Governança em saúde global no contexto das doenças infecciosas emergentes
- Examining Spatial Distribution and Dynamic Change of Urban Land Covers in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multitemporal Multisensor High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Examining effective use of data sources and modeling algorithms for improving biomass estimation in a moist tropical forest of the Brazilian Amazon
- Market Participation in the Age of Big Dams: The Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam and Its Impact on Rural Agrarian Households
- Dilemas do processo de desterritorialização de famílias atingidas por grandes projetos na Volta Grande do Xingu, Pará, Brasil
- Sustainable hydropower in the 21st century
- Hydroelectric Infrastructure and Potential Groundwater Contamination in the Brazilian Amazon: Altamira and the Belo Monte Dam
- Examining deforestation and agropasture dynamics along the Brazilian TransAmazon Highway using multitemporal Landsat imagery