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100 important works

010-011_Estrategias_210-1Daniel BuenoA series of talks entitled 50 years of Communications Studies in Brazil, including a focus on São Paulo’s contribution, will be held August 9–October 4 in a partnership between FAPESP and the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communications Studies (Intercom). In total, there will be eight Friday events at the Foundation’s offices and at the University of São Paulo (USP) School of Communications and Arts (ECA). The complete program is available on FAPESP’s site: (only in Portuguese).

The objective is to reflect on the 50 years of studies in the area of communications, analyzing the influence of 100 works of researchers based in São Paulo and considered relevant to the study of Brazilian communications, from classics such as Literatura e sociedade (Literature and Society) by Antonio Candido, to recent works such as A imprensa e o dever da liberdade (The press and the obligations of liberty) by journalist and professor Eugênio Bucci. “The purpose of this event is to disseminate information on the bibliography specific to Brazil to students of communications so as to make them aware of it,” says Sandra Lúcia Amaral de Assis Reimão, a professor at USP and one of the event organizers.

Registration for the talks is free. “The idea is that, through contact with Brazilian research, the student might become interested in research in communications,” says Sandra. To reinforce dissemination of this information, summaries of the 100 works will be published in book format later this year.
