This article may be republished online under the CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license. The Pesquisa FAPESP Digital Content Republishing Policy, specified herein, must be followed. In summary, the text must not be edited and the author(s) and source (Pesquisa FAPESP) must be credited. Using the “republish complete article (images and infographics)” button will ensure that these standards, detailed below, are followed.
Pesquisa FAPESP Digital Content Republishing Policy
To extend the reach of its content, Pesquisa FAPESP authorizes many of its articles and other materials to be republished freely and simply by other websites via Creative Commons licensing.
A “republish” button is displayed at the end of every article licensed via Creative Commons.
It is important to note that the rules established herein are restricted to republishing online. If you are interested in republishing material from the journal in print media, please contact us at
Articles or audiovisual resources not accompanied by a “republication” link are not licensed for republishing, or the material was published prior to implementation of this policy. In some cases, only the text of the article will be republished; in others, you will have the choice to republish the complete html article. If in doubt, contact us by email at
Pesquisa FAPESP must be clearly and directly credited as the source of the content being republished, preferably at the top of the page, with a link to the journal’s home page or directly to the article in question.
The name of the author(s) should also be credited, preferably at the top of the article, as follows: [Author name(s)], Pesquisa FAPESP.
The republished material must be accompanied by a link to the CC BY-ND 4.0 license, ensuring that anyone who sees Pesquisa FAPESP content on another website knows that they can also reuse the material.
The republication of material must not in any way suggest any kind of affiliation with or endorsement by Pesquisa FAPESP or the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Licensed content, including headlines and subheadlines, must be reproduced in its entirety and must not be edited without the express permission of Pesquisa FAPESP. If in doubt, contact us by email at before republishing.
Many of the images used by Pesquisa FAPESP are purchased from commercial agencies, freelance photographers, or illustrators who have not authorized reproduction without permission or payment. Any images and graphics that are not exclusively credited to Pesquisa FAPESP must not be republished without obtaining the express permission of the copywrite holder.
When republishing a full Pesquisa FAPESP article in html format, you must include our tracking pixel, which is a piece of code that allows us to count page views. This tool allows Pesquisa FAPESP to monitor which publications our content is reaching and the size of our audience. By using the republish button, the tracking pixel will be automatically included. Pesquisa FAPESP allows republication of a text-only version, but would prefer the material to be completely republished in full.
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The rules described in this document do not apply to the reproduction of content from other websites published by Pesquisa FAPESP. Pesquisa FAPESP must always be clearly and visibly credited as the source of the material.
Republication of the entire content of is not permitted; only explicitly authorized articles may be republished individually.
Websites that republish Pesquisa FAPESP content must provide a clear and easy way of contacting those responsible for the publication.
Pesquisa FAPESP reserves the right to revoke permission for republication at any time and for any reason.
If in doubt about any of these guidelines, contact us at Thank you for your interest.