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A compendium of news reports

Book released by IAG-USP: a selection of articles published in Pesquisa FAPESP

EDUARDO CESARBook released by IAG-USP: a selection of articles published in Pesquisa FAPESPEDUARDO CESAR

The Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of São Paulo (IAG-USP) has published in book form a compilation of 62 news reports and interviews that appeared in Pesquisa FAPESP from 2001 to 2013 and that involved agency-supported research. The book, entitled Do centro da Terra às fronteiras do Universo – Um compêndio de pesquisas em astronomia, geofísica e ciências atmosféricas (From the Earth’s core to the frontiers of the Universe: a compendium of research in astronomy, geophysics, and atmospheric sciences) will be distributed to USP students, professors, and staff and IAG collaborators. An online version will also be available on the institute’s website. The purpose of the project was to gather and organize all news reports on IAG work that received FAPESP funding in this timeframe. The initiative is part of the IAG 2020 program, an endeavor to plan future research at the institute. “We decided to compile the material from Pesquisa FAPESP to show that it’s possible to convey information on topics related to astronomy, meteorology, and other fields in simple, enjoyable, and eloquent language,” says Augusto José Pereira Filho, IAG professor and one of the editors of the collection. Over the course of 12 years, more than 240 pages of journalistic content were produced that relate to an array of topics researched at IAG as part of FAPESP-funded projects. In the opinion of astronomer and IAG professor Beatriz Barbuy, science communication plays a vital role in the public’s recognition of research. “Contact with this type of journalism, which is more committed to delving deeper into a topic, is good not just for students of physics and astronomy but also for those who are still in the phase of deciding what career path to follow,” she says.
