Mikel Martinez De Isaba / FlickrThe University of São Paulo (USP) opened up access to its cloud computing service, InterNuvem USP, for use by researchers from other universities or research institutions. They will be able to acquire research data storage services and access servers and hard disks over the Internet. Users can pay for the service with revenue from research projects financed by funding agencies or companies. Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, scientific director of FAPESP, tells Agência FAPESP: “In project proposals submitted to FAPESP, researchers can include the cost of using the cloud as a service under the ‘third party services’ category of the requested budget, and add the supporting documents that explain why it is necessary for the project.” The purpose of opening up the computational cloud is to streamline the use of services made available by the system and public funds used in computing for performing research. “The price of the online storage service USP offers could be 30% to 50% less than the amount charged by companies such as Google,” explains João Eduardo Ferreira, director of information technology at USP. Implemented in 2012 with FAPESP support, InterNuvem meets the needs of researchers from the university and the institution’s administration. It also hosts the university’s distance learning infrastructure. The service is available at nuvem.uspdigital.usp.br/client/.