- Between 1992 and 2022, FAPESP analyzed more than 573,000 fellowship and research grant applications, of which 51% were submitted by women
- During this period, there was a clear growth in applications by female researchers. In the first 10 years, they averaged 42% of the total; in the last 10 years, they averaged 53%. In 2003, they passed the 50% mark for the first time

- In the last 10 years, the success rate of female applicants progressed similarly to male researchers. Although their success rate was slightly lower than the men’s, the difference was very small and fell from 5% in 2017 and 2018 to 2% in 2022

- Female researchers were more successful in six of the nine main fields of knowledge analyzed over the period. They accounted for 67% of grants awarded in health sciences; 60% in biological sciences and linguistics, literature, and the arts; 55% in agricultural sciences and human sciences; and 54% in applied social sciences
- Male applicants are only more successful than women in the exact and earth sciences and engineering, with 69% of the total

Source FAPESP administrative records Prepared by FAPESP, DPCTA / Studies and Indicators team