At the end of May, FAPESP and the Roberto Marinho Foundation hosted the second edition of the Science for All Award at the Butantan Institute, created to encourage scientific activities in public schools and promote student engagement with science and its applications. The second edition will reward research projects that use scientific methods to propose solutions to concrete problems related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN). Public school teachers and students in the state of São Paulo have until June 26 to enter in one of five categories: final years of primary education (from 6th to 9th grade); first years of secondary education (from 10th to 12th grade); final years of primary Adult Education (EJA); secondary Adult Education (EJA); and technical and professional secondary education. The results of the first call for proposals for the Basic Education Research Program (PROEDUCA), run by FAPESP and the São Paulo State Education Secretary, were also announced at the award’s launch ceremony, as was the second public call for the initiative. More information.