The five winning entries supported by FAPESP.
Five books nominated for the 55th Jabuti Award, in the fields of literary criticism, architecture and urban planning, the humanities and education, were funded by FAPESP through its Support for Research Publications Topic Grant. In the Literary Theory and Criticism category, Jaime Ginzburg, associate professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) School of Philosophy, Letters, and the Humanities (FFLCH), came in second with his book Crítica em tempos de violência (Criticism in times of violence), published by the University of São Paulo Press (Edusp) and the State of São Paulo Government Printer (Imesp). In the same category, Maria Augusta da Costa Vieira, a professor at FFLCH-USP, took third place with her book A narrativa engenhosa de Miguel de Cervantes: estudos cervantinos e a recepção do Quixote no Brasil (The ingenious narrative of Miguel de Cervantes: Cervantes studies and the reception of Don Quixote in Brazil), also released by Edusp and Imesp. In the humanities, Renato Sztutman, also a professor at FFLCH, took second place with O profeta e o principal: a ação política ameríndia e seus personagens (The prophet and the principal: Amerindian political action and its leaders), published by Edusp. Roseli Rodrigues de Mello and Fabiana Marini Braga—professors at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)—and Vanessa Gabassa, professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), won second place in the Education category with Comunidades de aprendizagem: outra escola é possível (Learning Communities: A different kind of school is possible), published by UFSCar Press. In the Architecture and Urban Planning category, O design sem fronteiras: a relação entre o nomadismo e a sustentabilidade (Design without borders: the relationship between nomadism and sustainability), also published by Edusp, based on the doctoral dissertation of Lara Leite Barbosa at the USP School of Architecture and Urban Planning, won 3rd place.