Good practices
Good practices
Falsification of sources in research projects
Falsification of sources in research projects
By Redação
Good practices
Manual for the identification of poor conduct
Manual for the identification of poor conduct
By Redação
Good practices
Policies regarding conflicts of interest
Policies regarding conflicts of interest
By Newsroom
Good practices
Universal recommendations for responsible conduct
Universal recommendations for responsible conduct
Good practices
Reviewing one’s own work
Reviewing one’s own work
The Former Commissioner and Self-Plagiarism
The Former Commissioner and Self-Plagiarism
Good practices
The secret life of wrong and fraudulent articles
The secret life of wrong and fraudulent articles
Boas práticas
Europe against fraud
Europe against fraud
Good practices
Journals with higher impact factors have more retractions
Journals with higher impact factors have more retractions
Good practices
Conflict of interest
Conflict of interest
Good practices
Having been summoned, scientists deliver e-mails sent to BP
Having been summoned, scientists deliver e-mails sent to BP
Good practices
Prime minister of Romania accused of plagiarism
Prime minister of Romania accused of plagiarism
Good practices
Poor conduct out in the open
Poor conduct out in the open
Sound practices
For each item, just one grant
For each item, just one grant
Good practices
University requests cancellation of articles
University requests cancellation of articles
Good practices
A document in favor of ethics
A document in favor of ethics