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Musical computing

Computer music

Software teaches beginners how to play the guitar

Eduardo cesarSoftware teaches beginners how to play the guitarEduardo cesar

Technology for music learning. The company D’Accord Music Software, located in the State of Pernambuco, was founded with the objective of providing tools and multimedia applications for learning how to play such musical instruments as the guitar, electric guitar, drums and “cavaquinho,” a small string instrument. iChords is one of the company’s bestselling applications, and has been the recipient of a number of technological innovation awards.  iChords is a software that opens audio files such as the MP3 and shows the chords that are being played on a virtual guitar or keyboard.  In 2008, the company´s earnings came to R$ 400 thousand, a 60% increase in comparison to the year before.  This result was helped by the creation, in 2007, of the MusiGames Studio, a unit that develops musical games; this unit exports its products to more than 85 countries.
