Maria da Conceição Tavares: influence on leaders and economists.Antônio Cruza / BR
Economist Maria da Conceição Tavares received the 2011 Almirante Álvaro Alberto award for Science and Technology. A professor at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), she influenced Brazilian economic thinking with a tome that addresses the development of countries on the periphery of capitalism. She wrote hundreds of papers and several books, including The Rise and Fall of the Import Substitution Process in Brazil – from import substitution to financial capitalism (Auge e declínio do processo de substituição de importações no Brasil – Da substituição de importações ao capitalismo financeiro), 1972. It was written while she headed the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) office in Brazil. Over 60 years, she shaped the education of Brazilian economists and leaders such as José Serra, Carlos Lessa, Edward Amadeo, Aloísio Teixeira, Luciano Coutinho, Luís Gonzaga Beluzzo, João Manuel Cardoso de Melo and President Dilma Rousseff. This year, the prize, which is awarded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in partnership with the Conrado Wessel Foundation and the Brazilian Navy, focused on Humanities and Social Studies. During the prize-giving ceremony, Conceição Tavares said she was “happy to be Brazilian, but my European side is unhappy:” born in Portugal, she forecasts that the European economic crisis will be long lasting.