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Concepts of nature

IPBES defines concepts that will be used in reports on biodiversity, such as that found in the Amazon (below)

LÉO RAMOSIPBES defines concepts that will be used in reports on biodiversity, such as that found in the Amazon (below)LÉO RAMOS

Researchers involved in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), established in 2012, have published the platform’s Conceptual Framework in the journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. The document is signed by 86 scientists from several countries, including Brazilians Eduardo Brondizio of the University of Indiana, Jean Paul Metzger of the University of São Paulo (USP) and Carlos Joly of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), coordinator of the Biota-FAPESP Program. The framework brings together terms used by the scientific community, such as biodiversity and ecosystem services, and relates them to other terms that traditional communities use with the same meaning, such as “Mother Earth” and “nature’s gifts,” for example. “Many countries still embrace traditional knowledge and do not accept some terms of modern science. Our primary concern was to understand how different populations relate to nature,” Metzger says.
