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Aeronautic engineering

EMBRAER’s flying car passes decisive test

Artistic depiction of Eve's futuristic eVTOL flying over São Paulo


Eve Air Mobility, a subsidiary of EMBRAER, announced in May that a full-size model of its flying car, also known as an eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing), has undergone wind tunnel testing at a facility near the city of Lucerne, Switzerland. This type of testing is an essential step toward certification from regulatory authorities and signals the status of the project to the market. In this case, the objective was to measure the aerodynamic forces that affect the aircraft, allowing designers to assess its lift, efficiency, flight quality, and performance. Founded in 2020 and headquartered in Melbourne, Florida (USA), Eve Air Mobility plans to select parts suppliers in the first half of the year and to start building its first full-scale prototype in the second half of the year. If further tests achieve the desired results, commercial operations could begin in 2026. The fully electric eVTOL, with a range (the distance it can travel without needing to be recharged) of 100 kilometers and space for up to four passengers, will operate as a kind of flying taxi for commuting within urban areas or making short trips to nearby cities.
