FAPESP has released new rules for presenting proposals concerning Aid for Research – Publications, which partially funds the publication of periodicals, articles and books on the results of research conducted in São Paulo state. One of the main innovations concerns the publication of books, which is to be divided into Books in Brazil and Books Abroad. In the latter case, the Foundation proposes to fund the translation and technical review of the work. “The new rule seeks to encourage the internationalization of the results of research carried out in São Paulo and the dissemination of São Paulo researchers” work abroad,” said Luiz Henrique Lopes dos Santos, FAPESP’s assistant coordinator of Human and Social Sciences, Architecture, Economics and Management, and a professor at the Department of Philosophy at the School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP).” “There are subjects, especially in the humanities, in which producing works in other languages is more complex; aid for translation aims at making them more visible and accessible,” he says. Another change concerns the profile of the publishing house responsible for the publication, which will be required to show that it has a collection of research-related works. The objective is to stimulate the creation of lines of titles linked to research at a larger number of publishers. The need to produce distribution plans, another point introduced, is designed to ensure that the works are widely disseminated.
Requests for aid for the publication of periodicals, articles and books that explain the results of original research can be submitted at any time of the year by São Paulo researchers with a PhD or equivalent qualification. In the case of periodicals, the resources allocated will be proportional to the participation of the São Paulo state researchers. To qualify, the publications will have to carry peer-reviewed, previously unpublished papers. Priority will be given to periodicals that meet the requirements for electronic publication as part of the SciELO project, an open-access electronic library funded by FAPESP.
Articles, on the other hand, must be the result of research supported by FAPESP, to be published in international periodicals with a strict editorial policy. Applications for the publication of works that are not the result of research supported by the Foundation will only be considered in exceptional cases. The main researchers and those with FAPESP aid, as well as those who have been given FAPESP grants, under way and with a Technical Reserve, cannot apply for further aid for the publication of articles and should make use of the Technical Reserve. If the article is written in collaboration with researchers from other states or from abroad, the support will be proportional to the contribution of the co-authors from São Paulo.
In the case of books, they must carry original and unprecedented research results, preferably supported by FAPESP. It is compulsory to present a letter of interest in the publication from at least one publishing house declaring it will be responsible for the project in the event of its approval by the Foundation. The letter must include the total budget of the publication and the distribution plan. Publications accepted by publishing houses that have a significant catalog of technical and scientific works are the ones which will be considered. The quality of the works of the publishing house’s catalog will be taken into account in the proposal’s assessment. Funding is always partial and will only be granted when the full cost of the publication by the university or commercial publishing house is not commercially justified. As for books abroad, FAPESP only funds the translations and technical reviews of works in another language. All other publishing costs are the responsibility of the publisher.