Daniel BuenoA 30,000-square-meter area of the São José dos Campos Technological Park will be home to a unit of the Innovation Center of Brazil’s Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA). Over a five-year period, a total of R$300 million will be invested in the facility, which is currently being built with financing from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). The initiative is part of ITA’s expansion strategy, which also foresees the doubling of its undergraduate and graduate slots. The new center will develop innovative technology for application in the aerospace industry and will provide services to businesses. “At the Technological Park facility, the spotlight will be on research in advanced manufacturing. This will lend greater flexibility to industrial processes, such as tailoring an industrial factory to manufacture a new product, which in turn enhances competitiveness,” said ITA President Carlos Américo Pacheco. Two international institutes – the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK, in Germany, and the University of Sheffield, in England – are partners in the creation of the center and will collaborate with the research. “We recently held an event where we presented the project to a number of companies that have shown interest in working with ITA,” says Pacheco, who cited Embraer as an example. “But we are still looking for more support in order to advance the Innovation Center,” the president said.