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Good practices

Journal about integrity

The first international periodical fully dedicated to research integrity is expected to be launched by early 2016. The journal Research Integrity and Peer Review ( is the result of a commitment by a United Kingdom open-source scientific journal platform known as BioMedCentral to satisfy a demand from researchers who study subjects related to scientific integrity, such as good research practices and methods to detect and curb abuses like data fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. “There are no scientific journals available today that deal exclusively with the peer review process or research integrity. We hope this periodical will encourage not only researchers but also funding agencies to invest more on investigations in the field of ethics,” says Elizabeth Wager, one of the editors of the new publication. She notes that some articles about research integrity are published in periodicals that specialize in ethics, but those do not reach researchers from other areas, like medical sciences. “We sensed a growing interest in the subject. It’s an opportunity for us to establish research integrity as a field of research,” she says.
