Celso Lafer (center), at the University of Haifa: honored along with seven other individualsUniversity of Haifa
FAPESP President Celso Lafer received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Haifa at a ceremony held at the institution’s campus in Israel on May 27, 2014. “This honorary degree reflects the University of Haifa’s respect for aspects of my career that are associated with the academic world, including my presidency of FAPESP, and with political activity, especially as regards Brazil’s international relations in Latin America and with Israel,” said Lafer, a retired full professor of the USP School of Law who has served as Brazil’s Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Development, Industry, and Commerce. In speaking at the event, Lafer emphasized the values of pluralism and tolerance typical of the University of Haifa, as well as its image as a young, dynamic center for education and research. Seven other individuals also received honorary degrees from Haifa: Former South African president and recipient of the Nobel Peace prize Frederik Willem de Klerk; French philosopher Julia Kristeva; British philanthropist Lady Irene Hatter; Israeli dramatist and actor Chaim Topol; University of Cambridge professor emeritus Stefan Reif; Swiss educator Ernst Strauss; and Israeli diplomat Uri Lubrani. On July 14, 2014, Lafer received an honorary degree from the University of Birmingham, in the United Kingdom. FAPESP has signed cooperation agreement with both universities—in 2011 with Birmingham and in 2013, with Haifa.