Two new members have been appointed to the FAPESP Board of Trustees: physician Marco Antonio Zago, who was dean of the University of São Paulo (USP) until January 2018 and is a professor at the USP School of Medicine in Ribeirão Preto, and lawyer Ignacio Maria Poveda Velasco, a professor at USP Law School. Appointed by São Paulo State Governor Geraldo Alckmin via a decree published on January 24, Zago and Velasco were nominated by USP and will serve six-year terms on the board, which determines FAPESP’s general direction of development and defines its cultural and financial policies. The pair will assume their new roles on April 18, taking over from João Grandino Rodas, a professor at USP Law School, and Suely Vilela, a professor at the USP School of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Ribeirão Preto. The governor also reappointed José Goldemberg, the current FAPESP president, as chairman of the Board of Trustees for another six-year term. Chemist Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani, a professor at São Paulo State University (UNESP), was appointed to the board until August 17, 2022, completing the term of Julio Cezar Durigan, who died in September 2017. Bolzani received the most votes of the three candidates nominated by other higher education and research institutions in São Paulo. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees comprises 12 members. The state governor appoints six members by free choice, and the rest from lists of three nominees provided by state universities in São Paulo and public and private higher education and research institutions based in the state.
New members of the FAPESP Board of Trustees
Marco Antonio Zago, Ignacio Poveda Velasco, and Vanderlan Bolzani (top, from left), and José Goldemberg, FAPESP President
Léo Ramos Chaves