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Salk Institute

Nobel laureate to leave Salk Institute amid controversy

Salk Institute Elizabeth Blackburn, current president of the Salk Institute, plans to devote herself to science policy in 2018Salk Institute

Just two years after taking over as president of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, Australian molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn has announced that she plans to retire and leave her post in mid-2018. The unexpected announcement by Blackburn, who was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, comes in the wake of three gender discrimination lawsuits brought against Salk by veteran researchers at the institute. The scientists say they have faced difficulties advancing their scientific careers at Salk, with one even calling the institute an “old boys club,” and claim that Blackburn has not done enough to change the situation. “Being named to lead the Salk Institute unquestionably has been an honor of my life, and this decision did not come without a great deal of thought. At this stage in my career and life, I’ve concluded that my energies will be best devoted to wider issues of science policy and ethics,” said the 69-year-old scientist in a statement.
