- The three-year average number of scientific publications1 with at least one author based in Brazil rose from 3,010 in 1988–90 to 17,769 in 2003–05 (+490%), and to 63,856 in the latest three-year period (+259% over the previous and +2021% over 1988–90)
- For OECD member countries, the figure increased by 212% in the last three decades, while the global total grew by 252%
- Brazil’s participation rose from 0.46% of the global total to 2.8%
- Scientific publications1,2 by major fields of knowledge in Brazil, in OECD countries, and worldwide, in three-year averages (1988–90, 2003–05, 2018–20)
Number of published scientific articles has grown significantly over the past three decades
Representation (%)2 of major fields of knowledge3 from the total number of papers published (Brazil, OECD countries, and worldwide) in three-year averages (1988–90, 2003–05, 2018–20). Values given for 2018–20
Notes (1) Publications indexed by the Web of Science/Incites databases as “Articles,” “Proceedings Papers,” and “Reviews.” (2) The sum of the numbers of papers published in each field may be greater than the total, since papers can be classified in more than one major field. The same is true for representation, which can add up to more than 100%. (3) FAPESP’s classification system was used to determine major fields. The interdisciplinary field was not included in the graphs because its representation values were below 1% over the period considered, in all cases
Sources Incites/Clarivate, data downloaded on 04/21/2021