Daniel BuenoFAPESP has signed scientific cooperation agreements with three UK institutions : the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), Bangor University (Wales) and the Institute of Education of the University of London (England).The agreements were signed by Celso Lafer, the Chairman of FAPESP, and by Sir John Beddington, Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK Government. The agreements encourage scientific cooperation between Brazil and the United Kingdom, based on joint research projects that may include the exchange of researchers and graduate students. A call was also made for collaborative research proposals involving FAPESP and the Natural Environment Research Council, the theme of which is Biodiversity Processes and Ecosystems of Tropical Forests Modified by Humans. The agreements were also signed by representatives from the three British universities; Alan Charlton, the United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Brazil; José Arana Varela, Chairman of FAPESP’s Technical-Administrative Board; and Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Fapesp’s Scientific Director. According to Brito Cruz, more than 30 cooperation agreements have been signed with the RCUK and other British institutions; these agreements are an important element of FAPESP’s strategy to become an international-level institution. “This kind of cooperation has evolved very well; the number of projects has increased, as has the number of institutions involved in such cooperation,” Brito Cruz told Agência FAPESP.