Thematic projects
Neural mechanisms in chemoreception
Researcher in charge: Eduardo Colombari
Institution: Araraquara School of Dentistry / Unesp
Process nº: 2009/54888-7
Span: 1/Nov./2011 to 31/Dec./2015
Theme: Evaluating the role of the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) in ventilation and cardiovascular responses to hypercapnia (CO2 increase in arterial blood) of non-anesthetized rats after selective lesions. Evidence on RTN as a central chemoreceptor was obtained in experiments under anesthesia. A better understanding of this region might further the understanding of physiopathological situations.
Modern techniques in the spectrometry of masses and development of new applications in science: chemistry, biochemistry, materials, forensics, medicine, foods, pharmaceuticals and veterinary medicine.
Researcher in charge: Marcos Nogueira Eberlin
Institution: Chemistry Institute /Unicamp
Process nº: 2010/51677-2
Span: 1/Nov./2011 to 31/Dec./2015
Theme: Consolidate and expand the activities of the ThoMSon Spectrometry Laboratory of Masses as a leader in the development and use of up-to-date spectrometry of mass techniques, as well generating new areas of work, such as those involving research into hormones, forensic chemistry and characterization of bacteria in various matrices.
ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research: a regional center for theoretical physics
Researcher in charge: Nathan Jacob Berkovits
Institution: IFT/Unesp
Process nº: 2011/11973-4
Span: 1/12/2011 to 30/Nov./2016
Theme: The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), together with Paulista State University (Unesp) has recently created the ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research, to be housed in Unesp’s Theoretical Physics Institute in the city of São Paulo. The new institute will be a regional center of theoretical physics for South America.
Molecular mechanisms involved in the dysfunction and death of beta pancreatic cells in diabetes mellitus: strategies to inhibit such processes and to recover the mass of islets in different cellular and animal models
Researcher in charge: Antonio Carlos Boschero
Institution: Biology Institute/Unicamp
Process nº: 2011/09012-6
Span: 1/Nov./2011 to 31/Dec./2015
Theme: To study the mechanisms involved in the loss of the mass of islets and functionality in different animal models (protein malnutrition, obesity, hyperlipidemia and DM2) and the mechanisms involved in the increase of the mass of islets at different life stages (intrauterine, neonate and pregnancy). Despite the huge volume of papers about this found in literature, the molecular mechanisms underlying the reduction or the increase of the mass of beta cells in the aforementioned situations are not fully known.
Young investigator
Production of melatonin by the cells of the central nervous system under conditions of injury
Researcher in charge: Luciana Pinato
Institution: School of Philosophy and Sciences of Marilia /Unesp
Process nº: 2011/51495-4
Span: 1/Dec./2011 to 30/Nov./2015
Theme: To establish the molecular bases that foster the production of melatonin in the central nervous system (CNS) and to assess whether melatonin is one of the molecular agents of the CNS’s processes of defense.
Characterization of the hypothalamus protein S1PR1 in the control of food ingestion by rodents
Researcher in charge: Eduardo Rochete Ropelle
Institution: FCA/Unicamp
Process nº: 2011/09656-0
Span: 01/Nov./2011 to 31/Dec./2015
Theme: The hypothalamus is responsible for controlling food ingestion and energy expenditure. Hypothalamus proteins control the signs of satiation. The project’s objective is to investigate the effects of the neuronal protein S1PR1 (sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-1) on the control of food ingestion in several situations, such as on an empty stomach, cancer anorexia, obesity and in response to physical exercise.
Characterization of the population of orchid bees (Apidae, euglossini) from the state of São Paulo by geometric morphometrics of the wings and variability of mitochondrial DNA
Researcher in charge: Tiago Mauricio Francoy
Institution: EACH/USP
Process nº: 2011/07857-9
Span: 1/12/2011 to 30/Nov./2015
Theme: To study the several populations of Euglossini bees, collected in various sites in the state of São Paulo, in order to assess the variability of the population. The reduction of the populations of pollinators is a worldwide problem and a number of efforts are under way to monitor the biodiversity of bees, their conservation and sustainable use.