Daniel Bueno
Thematic projects
Multimodal investigation of epileptogenesis with emphasis on the incorporation of new models and new tools. (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: Iscia T. L. Cendes
Institution: FCM/Unicamp
Process: 2011/50680-2
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016
Endometriosis: the molecular bases of the immune response
Researcher in charge: Mauricio S. Abrão
Institution: FMUSP
Process: 2010/10338-0
Span: 1/Feb/2012 to 31/Jan/2017
Franco-Brazilian Brépols and other manuscripts
Researcher in charge: Philippe Leon Marie Ghislain Willemart
Institution: FFLCH/USP
Process: 2011/08942-0
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016
Molecular and cellular biology of parasitism by Trypanosoma cruzi
Researcher in charge: José Franco da Silveira Filho
Institution: EPM/Unifesp
Process: 2011/51475-3
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016
Revealing natural processes through the laboratory (phase II): the quest for material principles in the three kingdoms up to the specialization of the sciences in the eight hundreds
Researcher in charge: Ana Maria Alfonso Goldfarb
Institution: FCET/PUCSP
Process: 2011/14040-9
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 28/Feb/2017
Chemical and pharmacological validation of extracts and active principles of the specials of copaifera plants
Researcher in charge: Jairo K. Bastos
Institution: FCF Ribeirão Preto/USP
Process: 2011/13630-7
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2017
Crossing and husbandry strategies to optimize the maternal and reproductive performance of ewes for the production of quality sheepskins and meat in the Southeast Region
Researcher in charge: Mauricio Mello de Alencar
Institution: Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste
Process: 2011/51564-6
Span: 1/Feb/2012 to 31/Jan/2016
The role of the melanin-concentrating hormone in lactation control
Researcher in charge: Jackson Cioni Bittencourt
Institution: ICB/USP
Process: 2010/52068-0
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016
Roman Catholic congregations, education and the national state in Brazil (1840-1950)
Researcher in charge: Agueda Bernardete Bittencourt
Institution: FE/Unicamp
Process: 2011/51829-0
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016
Young Investigator Awards
Taxonomy, systematic and diversity of Mallophaga insects (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Amblycera and Ischnocera) in birds in Brazil
Researcher in charge: Michel Paiva Valim
Institution: MZ/USP
Process: 2011/11420-5
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016
Understanding and exploring the correlation between energy and performance in competing algorithms
Researcher in charge: Alexandro José Baldassin
Institution: IGC Rio Claro/Unesp
Process: 2011/19373-6
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016
Recovery of soil and underground waters contaminated with NAPLs using chemical oxidation
Researcher in charge: Juliana Gardenalli de Freitas
Institution: ICAQF/Unifesp
Process: 2011/12158-2
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016
Microencapsulation and nanoencapsulation of natural active ingredients using drying technologies
Researcher in charge: Claudia Regina Fernandes de Souza
Institution: FCF Ribeirão Preto/USP
Process: 2011/10333-1
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016
Subjective time in static images
Researcher in charge: Francisco Carlos Nather
Institution: FFCL Ribeirão Preto/USP
Process: 2011/17981-9
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2015
Effect of fatty acids on the differentiation and function of fatty tissue
Researcher in charge: Maria Isabel Cardoso Alonso Vale
Institution: ICAQF/Unifesp
Process: 2011/51627-8
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016
New paths for syntheses of hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3.4H2O) from water suspensions of magnesium oxide (MgO) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) and their use in porous ceramics for insulation at a high temperature
Researcher in charge: Rafael Salomão
Institution: EESC/USP
Process: 2010/19274-5
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 28/Feb/2015
Traveling ionospheric disturbances: simulation and observation, the importance of latitudinal coupling of gravity wave-Perkins-Es layer instabilities and forcing from pre-seismic events
Researcher in charge: Esfhan A. Kherani
Institution: Inpe/MCTI
Process: 2011/21903-3
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2014
Study of the genetic variability of the fatty acids profile of beef from nelore breed cattle confined before slaughter
Researcher in charge: Fernando S. B. Rey
Institution: FMVZ/USP
Process: 2011/21241-0
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2015
Functional genomic study of the transcriptional regulation by nuclear receptors in hereditary vitamin D resistant rickets
Researcher in charge: Bruno F. Souza
Institution: FMUSP
Process: 2011/12696-4
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016