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Recent Thematic Projects and Young Investigator Awards

Projects awarded in March and April of 2012

Daniel Bueno

Thematic projects
Multimodal investigation of epileptogenesis with emphasis on the incorporation of new models and new tools. (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)

Researcher in charge: Iscia T. L. Cendes
Institution: FCM/Unicamp
Process: 2011/50680-2
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016

Endometriosis: the molecular bases of the immune response
Researcher in charge: Mauricio S. Abrão
Institution: FMUSP
Process: 2010/10338-0
Span: 1/Feb/2012 to 31/Jan/2017

Franco-Brazilian Brépols and other manuscripts
Researcher in charge: Philippe Leon Marie Ghislain Willemart
Institution: FFLCH/USP
Process: 2011/08942-0
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016

Molecular and cellular biology of parasitism by Trypanosoma cruzi
Researcher in charge: José Franco da Silveira Filho
Institution: EPM/Unifesp
Process: 2011/51475-3
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016

Revealing natural processes through the laboratory (phase II): the quest for material principles in the three kingdoms up to the specialization of the sciences in the eight hundreds
Researcher in charge: Ana Maria Alfonso Goldfarb
Institution: FCET/PUCSP
Process: 2011/14040-9
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 28/Feb/2017

Chemical and pharmacological validation of extracts and active principles of the specials of copaifera plants
Researcher in charge: Jairo K. Bastos
Institution: FCF Ribeirão Preto/USP
Process: 2011/13630-7
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2017

Crossing and husbandry strategies to optimize the maternal and reproductive performance of ewes for the production of quality sheepskins and meat in the Southeast Region
Researcher in charge: Mauricio Mello de Alencar
Institution: Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste
Process: 2011/51564-6
Span: 1/Feb/2012 to 31/Jan/2016

The role of the melanin-concentrating hormone in lactation control
Researcher in charge: Jackson Cioni Bittencourt
Institution: ICB/USP
Process: 2010/52068-0
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016

Roman Catholic congregations, education and the national state in Brazil (1840-1950)
Researcher in charge: Agueda Bernardete Bittencourt
Institution: FE/Unicamp
Process: 2011/51829-0
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016

Young Investigator Awards
Taxonomy, systematic and diversity of Mallophaga insects (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Amblycera and Ischnocera) in birds in Brazil
Researcher in charge: Michel Paiva Valim
Institution: MZ/USP
Process: 2011/11420-5
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016

Understanding and exploring the correlation between energy and performance in competing algorithms
Researcher in charge: Alexandro José Baldassin
Institution: IGC Rio Claro/Unesp
Process: 2011/19373-6
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016

Recovery of soil and underground waters contaminated with NAPLs using chemical oxidation
Researcher in charge: Juliana Gardenalli de Freitas
Institution: ICAQF/Unifesp
Process: 2011/12158-2
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016

Microencapsulation and nanoencapsulation of natural active ingredients using drying technologies
Researcher in charge: Claudia Regina Fernandes de Souza
Institution: FCF Ribeirão Preto/USP
Process: 2011/10333-1
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016

Subjective time in static images
Researcher in charge: Francisco Carlos Nather
Institution: FFCL Ribeirão Preto/USP
Process: 2011/17981-9
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2015

Effect of fatty acids on the differentiation and function of fatty tissue
Researcher in charge: Maria Isabel Cardoso Alonso Vale
Institution: ICAQF/Unifesp
Process: 2011/51627-8
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 29/Feb/2016

New paths for syntheses of hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3.4H2O) from water suspensions of magnesium oxide (MgO) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) and their use in porous ceramics for insulation at a high temperature
Researcher in charge: Rafael Salomão
Institution: EESC/USP
Process: 2010/19274-5
Span: 1/Mar/2012 to 28/Feb/2015

Traveling ionospheric disturbances: simulation and observation, the importance of latitudinal coupling of gravity wave-Perkins-Es layer instabilities and forcing from pre-seismic events
Researcher in charge: Esfhan A. Kherani
Institution: Inpe/MCTI
Process: 2011/21903-3
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2014

Study of the genetic variability of the fatty acids profile of beef from nelore breed cattle confined before slaughter
Researcher in charge: Fernando S. B. Rey
Institution: FMVZ/USP
Process: 2011/21241-0
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2015

Functional genomic study of the transcriptional regulation by nuclear receptors in hereditary vitamin D resistant rickets
Researcher in charge: Bruno F. Souza
Institution: FMUSP
Process: 2011/12696-4
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2016
