Thematic projects
Diversity, ecology and biotechnological potential of the symbiont bacterial fauna associated with insects
Researcher in charge: Fernando Luís Consoli
Institution: Esalq/USP
Process: 2011/50877-0
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2015
The molecular mechanisms of the sense of smell
Researcher in charge: Bettina Malnic
Institution: IQ/USP
Process: 2011/51604-8
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2017
Dynamics of systems of many bodies III
Researcher in charge: Mahir Saleh Hussein
Institution: IEA/USP
Process: 2011/18998-2
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016
Prevention of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder from neuroscience to the community: a multistage, multimode and translational platform for investigation and intervention (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan
Institution: EPM/Unifesp
Process: 2011/50740-5
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016
Mycobacteria and their extra-chromosome elements: molecular characterization and biotechnological applications
Researcher in charge: Sylvia Luisa Pincherle Cardoso Leão
Institution: EPM/Unifesp
Process: 2011/18326-4
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2015
Brazil, 25 years of democracy – critical analysis: public policies, institutions, civil society and political culture (1988/2013) (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: José Álvaro Moisés
Institution: FFLCH/USP
Process: 2011/50771-8
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016
Intermediary metabolism and body composition under special clinical conditions: research studies using stable isotopes (non-radioactive) in humans. (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: Eduardo Ferriolli
Institution: FMRP/USP
Process: 2011/50768-7
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016
Young Investigator Awards
The role of dopaminergic modulation in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala on the conditioned avoidance response
Researcher in charge: Raquel Chacon Ruiz Martinez
Institution: FM/USP
Process: 2011/08575-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2015
Effect of the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by dendritic cells in the differentiation of TH17 cells: PGE2 function
Researcher in charge: Alexandra Ivo de Medeiros
Institution: FCF Araraquara/Unesp
Process: 2011/17611-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016
Cultural transfers in the press at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – Brazil and France
Researcher in charge: Valéria dos Santos Guimarães
Institution: FCL Assis/Unesp
Process: 2010/19123-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2014
Machine learning using models inspired by nature
Researcher in charge: Fabrício Aparecido Breve
Institution: IGCE Rio Claro/Unesp
Process: 2011/17396-9
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016
Anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway: the role of neuroimmunomodulation in the control of the inflammatory response
Researcher in charge: Alexandre Kanashiro
Institution: FMRP/USP
Process: 2011/20343-4
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2014
Study of the regulating, effector and migratory patterns of autoreactive T lymphocytes, previously GFP transduced, in experimental demyelinating diseases
Researcher in charge: Alessandro dos Santos Farias
Institution: IB/Unicamp
Process: 2011/18728-5
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016
Uric acid oxidizing by the myeloperoxidase enzyme in inflammatory processes and implications for the cardiovascular system
Researcher in charge: Flavia Carla Meotti
Institution: IQ/USP
Process: 2011/18106-4
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016
Active and dynamic semi-supervised learning based on complex networks
Researcher in charge: Marcos Gonçalves Quiles
Institution: ICT/Unifesp
Process: 2011/18496-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016
Development of a computer system to simulate the interaction of ionizing radiation with human genetic material
Researcher in charge: Mario Antonio Bernal Rodriguez
Institution: IF/Unicamp
Process: 2011/51594-2
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016