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Recent Thematic Projects and Young Investigator Awards

Projects for which agreements were signed in January and February of 2012

Thematic projects
Diversity, ecology and biotechnological potential of the symbiont bacterial fauna associated with insects

Researcher in charge: Fernando Luís Consoli
Institution: Esalq/USP
Process: 2011/50877-0
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2015

The molecular mechanisms of the sense of smell
Researcher in charge: Bettina Malnic
Institution: IQ/USP
Process: 2011/51604-8
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2017

Dynamics of systems of many bodies III
Researcher in charge: Mahir Saleh Hussein
Institution: IEA/USP
Process: 2011/18998-2
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016

Prevention of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder from neuroscience to the community: a multistage, multimode and translational platform for investigation and intervention (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan
Institution: EPM/Unifesp
Process: 2011/50740-5
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016

Mycobacteria and their extra-chromosome elements: molecular characterization and biotechnological applications
Researcher in charge: Sylvia Luisa Pincherle Cardoso Leão
Institution: EPM/Unifesp
Process: 2011/18326-4
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2015

Brazil, 25 years of democracy – critical analysis: public policies, institutions, civil society and political culture (1988/2013) (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: José Álvaro Moisés
Institution: FFLCH/USP
Process: 2011/50771-8
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016

Intermediary metabolism and body composition under special clinical conditions: research studies using stable isotopes (non-radioactive) in humans. (FAPESP-MCT/CNPq-Pronex-2011)
Researcher in charge: Eduardo Ferriolli
Institution: FMRP/USP
Process: 2011/50768-7
Period of validity: 1/Feb./2012 to 31/Jan./2016

Young Investigator Awards
The role of dopaminergic modulation in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala on the conditioned avoidance response

Researcher in charge: Raquel Chacon Ruiz Martinez
Institution: FM/USP
Process: 2011/08575-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2015

Effect of the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by dendritic cells in the differentiation of TH17 cells: PGE2 function
Researcher in charge: Alexandra Ivo de Medeiros
Institution: FCF Araraquara/Unesp
Process: 2011/17611-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016

Cultural transfers in the press at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – Brazil and France
Researcher in charge: Valéria dos Santos Guimarães
Institution: FCL Assis/Unesp
Process: 2010/19123-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2014

Machine learning using models inspired by nature
Researcher in charge: Fabrício Aparecido Breve
Institution: IGCE Rio Claro/Unesp
Process: 2011/17396-9
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016

Anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway: the role of neuroimmunomodulation in the control of the inflammatory response
Researcher in charge: Alexandre Kanashiro
Institution: FMRP/USP
Process: 2011/20343-4
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 28/Feb./2014

Study of the regulating, effector and migratory patterns of autoreactive T lymphocytes, previously GFP transduced, in experimental demyelinating diseases
Researcher in charge: Alessandro dos Santos Farias
Institution: IB/Unicamp
Process: 2011/18728-5
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016

Uric acid oxidizing by the myeloperoxidase enzyme in inflammatory processes and implications for the cardiovascular system
Researcher in charge: Flavia Carla Meotti
Institution: IQ/USP
Process: 2011/18106-4
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016

Active and dynamic semi-supervised learning based on complex networks
Researcher in charge: Marcos Gonçalves Quiles
Institution: ICT/Unifesp
Process: 2011/18496-7
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016

Development of a computer system to simulate the interaction of ionizing radiation with human genetic material
Researcher in charge: Mario Antonio Bernal Rodriguez
Institution: IF/Unicamp
Process: 2011/51594-2
Period of validity: 1/Mar./2012 to 29/Feb./2016

