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Recent Thematic Projects and Young Investigator Awards

May and June 2012 contracts

Thematic projects

Evaluation of therapy using hematopoietic stem cells in chronic kidney disease in dogs
Researcher in charge: Lucia da Conceição Andrade
Institution: USP Medical School
Process: 2010/19012-0
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2017

Low dimension dynamics
Researcher in charge: André Salles de Carvalho
Institution: USP Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
Process: 2011/16265-8
Span: 1/Apr/2012 to 31/Mar/2017

The role of the estimation of capital costs in the optimization of the capital structure of companies in Brazil
Researcher in charge: Antonio Zoratto Sanvicente
Institution: Insper – Research and Teaching Institute
Process: 2011/23090-0
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2017

Amelioration of the autonomic imbalances of old age with exercise exploring the molecular and physiological mechanisms (FAPESP-RCUK)
Researcher in charge: Lisete Compagno Michelini
Institution: USP Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Process: 2011/51410-9
Span: 01/May/2012 to 30/Apr/2016

Study of the Bose-Einstein condensate properties: dipolar atoms and condensate of fermions
Researcher in charge: Sadhan Kumar Adhikari
Institution: Unesp Institute of Theoretical Physics
Process: 2012/00451-0
Span: 01/May/2012 to 30/Apr/2017

Wittgenstein in transition
Researcher in charge: João Vergilio Gallerani Cuter
Institution: USP School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences
Process: 2012/50005-6
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2015

Young Researcher Awards

Synthesis and degradation of pre-biotic molecular species in simulated interstellar ice, comets and planetary atmospheres
Researcher in charge: Sérgio Pilling Guapyassu de Oliveira
Institution: Institute of Research and Development of the University of Vale do Paraíba (Univap)
Process: 2009/18304-0
Span: 01/May/2012 to 30/Apr/2016

Comparative analysis of the transcriptome of transporters of the membrane of the roots of rice associated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and in response to arsenium
Researcher in charge: Sara Adrian Lopez de Andrade
Institution: Unicamp Institute of Biology
Process: 2011/18097-5
Span: 01/07/2012 to 30/06/2015

Bio-refinery in the agro-food industry: making use of waste to produce new chemical compounds and bio-hydrogen
Researcher in charge: Tânia Forster Carneiro
Institution: Unicamp School of Food Engineering
Process: 2011/19817-1
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2016

Study of films of carbon-type diamond with incorporated nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Researcher in charge: Fernanda Roberta Marciano
Institution: Univap Institute of Research and Development
Process: 2011/20345-7
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2016

Social class and value in contemporary social theory
Researcher in charge: Henrique José Domiciano Amorim
Institution: Unifesp School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences
Process: 2011/23506-1
Span: 01/May/2012 to 30/Apr/2016

Oxidative stress and synaptic plasticity in the primary visual cortex
Researcher in charge: Roberto de Pasquale
Institution: USP Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Process: 2011/23874-0
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2014

Characterization and control of nanoparticle cellular internalization mechanisms
Researcher in charge: Dayane Batista Tada
Institution: Unifesp Institute of Science and Technology
Process: 2011/23895-8
Span: 01/May/2012 to 30/Apr/2015

Implementation of a laboratory for the study of cognitive functions through classical neuropsychological evaluation and functional and structural neuro-imaging techniques, under normal and pathological conditions (refractory epilepsy)
Researcher in charge: Andrea Alessio Vieira Alves
Institution: Unicamp School of Medical Sciences
Process: 2011/50043-2
Span: 01/May/2012 to 30/Apr/2016

Human mesenchymal stem cells from the female reproductive system as cellular therapy vectors: evaluation of migration and of the effect of cells expressing murine il-12 in a melanoma and carcinoma model
Researcher in charge: Tatiana Jazedje da Costa Silva
Institution: Paulista Medical School of Unifesp
Process: 2011/51648-5
Span: 1/Jun/2012 to 31/May/2014
