Issue # 124 _ June 2006
S&T Policy
To publish is not everything
An article proposes a qualitative method for evaluating researcher's performances
By Fabrício MarquesBiodiversity

The rule of the closed field
A national law obstructs the collection of biological samples and paralyzes research
By Marcos PivettaCooperation
The structure surrounding the brain
The CInAPCe Program promotes an unprecedented partnership or the mapping of epilepsy
By Fabrício MarquesScience

Ghosts under the earth
Detectors accompany the disappearance of the most abundant particles in the Universe
By Carlos FioravantiBiology

Music in the marshes
Frogs, toads and tree frogs exhibit 70 calls and 29 of sexual reproduction
By Maria GuimarãesParadigms
Darwin versus Adam
Advance of creationism mobilizes a scientist in defense of the Theory of Evolution
By Revisor and RedaçãoMedicine

Intense doubt
Nobody knows if it really is adult stem cells that work in related cases of success
By Carlos FioravantiTechnology

Brazilian precision
A new atomic clock capable of going slow only one second in millions of years is developed in Brazil
By Marcos de OliveiraBiochemistry

The cure from poison
Toxin of the urutu pit viper acts as a cicatrizant and in the formation of the blood vessels
By Dinorah ErenoEnergy

Soybeans in the refinery
Petrobras's research center develops technique for using vegetable oil in the production of diesel
By Marcos de OliveiraComputing

Programmed Lives
Projects seek to improve the traffic for users of collective transport
By Dinorah ErenoHumanities

Seeing is Relative
Displays in São Paulo and in Switzerland recall Einstein's "miraculous year"
By Renata SaraivaDesign

Exhibition in São Paulo shows little known talent of the inventor
By Neldson Marcolin