Issue # 243 _ May 2016
S&T Policy
Youtubers in science
Video channels gain prominence in communicating information on research via the Internet
By Bruno de PierroScience
Movement for the brain
Exercise in pregnancy and childhood has long-lasting effects on intellectual performance
By Maria GuimarãesVirology
Monkeys with Zika
In Ceará, researchers identify the virus in animals accustomed to the presence of humans
By Ricardo ZorzettoMETEOROLOGY
The lightning capital
Lake Maracaibo, in Venezuela, is the world’s top lightning hotspot
By Everton Lopes BatistaPALEONTOLOGY
Heart of stone
New fossil record reveals an unforeseen pathway in the evolution of the cardiac muscle
By André Julião - da Agência FAPESPTechnology
Corporate Research
Intense renewal
3M is investing in R&D and creating its own metrics to drive innovation
By Yuri VasconcelosMEDICINES
Vaccine against schistosomiasis
An immunizing agent developed by Fiocruz is ready for Phase 2 clinical trials
By Marcos de OliveiraPest control
Bioinsecticide made of microorganisms
Worms and bacteria acting together are raw material for a product for commercial use in agriculture
By Evanildo da Silveira