Issue # 91 _ September 2003
S&T Policy
Shared expenses
Ministry signs agreements with FAPs to foster regional research
By Claudia Iziqueinnovation
Aim on business
Course for qualifying managers is to support consolidation of companies in PIPE
Public lesson
Optics and Photonics Center demystifies physics for the community in São Carlos
Gradual resumption
Proposals for purchases of goods and services are once again being analyzed
Attention to Poverty
Brazil takes part in worldwide effort to develop seven new drugs
By Lucilia Atas Medeirosaccident
The lessons from the tragedy
Destruction of the Satellite Launching Vehicle suggests a revision in the Brazilianspace program

Thermometer of evolution
Difference in temperature in the ears suggests the existence of a complex brain in marmosets
Savannas and three kinds of forest
Vegetation of the state of São Paulo now follows the national terminology
Catuama in the heart
Patent guarantees medicine that turns ventricular fibrillation around
By Marcos de Oliveiraagriculture
The best of garbage
Software and a new analysis methodology indicate the quality of the organic compost used as manure
By Yuri VasconcelosComputing
Masks on the Internet
System developed at UFMG makes it possible to control privacy in the world-wide computer network
By Liliane NogueiraDiffusion
Dimensions of proteins
Researcher develops a kit with plastic parts that shows protein structures in three-dimensional form
By Alessandro GrecoHumanities
Memory of the new
Thesis analyzes concepts of Lúcio Costa's historical heritage
By Renata Saraiva