Issue # 183 _ May 2011
S&T Policy
Amélia's paths
Work by the researcher ranges from physics to education, from memory to scientific policy
By Neldson MarcolinGlobalization
In English, per favore
Italian universities create courses in English to win over students from abroad
By Marcos PivettaHuman Resources
Shortcuts to university
USP and Unicamp are adopting new strategies for attracting students from public schools
By Fabrício MarquesFinancing
Spanish reform
New law in Spain seeks to bring together science and the production sector
By Fabrício MarquesFinancing
The weight of the treasury
How Brazil and the United States face up to cuts in funding for science and technology
By Fabrício MarquesScience
A mirrored black hole
A cone of ions reflects the image of the mysterious object at the center of the galaxy
By Marcos PivettaMedicine
The fight against cancer
Antihypertensive medication halts growth of tumors, indicating new targets for drugs
By Carlos FioravantiGeochemistry
Pre-Columbian fertilizers
The Indians of old in the Amazon Region contributed to the fertility of black soil
By Marcos PivettaInternational Year of Chemistry
Molecules, problem and solution
Talks in April discussed alternative energy sources and climate change
By Maria GuimarãesTechnology
Intelligent Packaging
Color in fungi
Sensitive film warns consumer about food deterioration
By Evanildo da SilveiraDigital Protection
Reinforced networks
New approach enhances internet and airport safety
By Carlos FioravantiBiochemistry
Bromeliad measures pollution
Bromeliad species is used to capture heavy metals in the air
By Evanildo da SilveiraHumanities
Digital library
A mine of maps
Cartographic material reveals Portuguese colonial fantasies
By Márcio Ferrari