Issue # 108 _ February 2005
S&T Policy
Entrepreneurial Companies
Initial Capital
Twenty PIPE companies prepare to take their projects to the market
Sponsoring excellence
Impa widens its commitments and creates chairs paid for by businessmen
By Fabrício MarquesEnvironment

A climate of uncertainty
The Kyoto Protocol comes into force some eight years behind schedule
By Claudia IziqueScience

Night in the arid outback
Botanists from Pernambuco State throw light on the peculiarities of pollination in the Caatinga
By Verônica FalcãoGenetics
Tolerance to the cocktail
One third of those infected with HIV in São Paulo show some resistance to the anti-Aids drugs

Sugar for diabetics
A component of the cellular wall of a grass facilitates the absorption of glucose

Salt in excess
Goiter has ended. Now the problem is an exaggerated consumption of iodine
By Alessandra PereiraTechnology
Speech Therapy

Precision hearing
Equipment for hearing tests gains a more efficient calibration system
The ages of the earth
A network is going to spur study on the dating of rocks and the possibility of finding oil fields
By Fabrício MarquesGeology
Portrait from the past
Studies concerning the past temperature of the earth?s surface help in discovering minerals
By Yuri VasconcelosMeteorology

Inside the rain clouds
A new hydro-meteorological system is going to forecast rain with up to threehours of anticipation
By Marcos de OliveiraHumanities
Reading was a sensation
Brazil once had a large publishing market, with popular books that sold millions of copies
By Carlos Haag