Issue # 162 _ August 2009
- Domestic version
- Ipen develops technique for producing radioactive seeds and filaments to treat tumors By Carlos Fioravanti
- Inversed order
- Radiotherapy and chemotherapy may reduce need for radical surgery on rectal tumors By Carlos Fioravanti
- Living with Cancer
- Discoveries about cell interactions strengthen prospects for controlling rather the eliminating tumors By Carlos Fioravanti
S&T Policy
Climate change

Vulnerable megacities
Panel discusses impact of global warning on Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo

Sustainable solutions
Experts from several countries meet to discuss the future of biofuels
By Fabrício MarquesScience

Less meat, more fish
Diets rich in omega 3 fatty acids may offer protection against epilepsy
By Ricardo ZorzettoMathematical physics

Borderless biodiversity
Computer simulation indicates that species may form without geographical isolation
By Maria GuimarãesPhysics

A turbulent state
Brazilian researchers observe a new version of a quantum phenomenon
By Ricardo ZorzettoPhysiology

Tropical solution
Lizards and squirrels deal with oxygen variations during hibernation in different ways
By Reinaldo José LopesGenomics

Now, the details
International collaboration starts the full sequencing of sugarcane
By Maria GuimarãesMedicine

Exercises to fight apnea
Alternative therapy reduces the symptoms of respiratory sleep disturbance by 60%
By Marcos PivettaTechnology
Aerospace Engineering

A Brazilian perspective
New monitoring camera made by Opto for Cbers-3 to be tested in China
By Dinorah ErenoEngineering

Saving Power
New alternative to save power by leaving electrical devices on standby
By Dinorah ErenoBiomaterials

Blend of metals
Orthopedic prostheses become more efficient and compatible
By Yuri Vasconcelos