Issue # 202 _ December 2012
S&T Policy
scientific journals

Telling a good story
Editors use a set of strategies to increase the impact and visibility of their publications
By Fabrício Marquesinnovation
Vigilant Leadership
Report proposes actions to strengthen the quality of US research universities
By RedaçãoCooperation

Brazil on the horizon
Europeans seek partnerships for new program to support science and innovation
By RedaçãoScience

Hard of hearing, but a good head
African dinosaur was hard of hearing but had agile skull movement for self defense
By Igor ZolnerkevicChemistry

The brightly colored umbrellas of plants
A study of their molecular dynamics proves that natural color protects leaves from excessive light
By Igor ZolnerkevicBiochemistry

Reinforced toxicity
More neurons are killed by using crack than by using cocaine

Traces of miscegenation
Human virus reflects migrations between various ethnic groups in the state of Pará
By Marcos PivettaTechnology

Perfume from the Amazon
The use of leaves and branches increases rosewood oil production by 25%
By Carlos FioravantiEnergy

Cities of the Future
Smart grids bring together power sources and data, creating new possibilities for consumers
By Marcos de OliveiraCOMPANY RESEARCH

More than just oil
BP concludes agreements to improve ethanol production and prepare for the second generation
By Dinorah ErenoHumanities

The patriarch of science
The ideas of José Bonifácio were marked by the close bond between statesman and naturalist
By Carlos Haag