Issue # 208 _ June 2013
S&T Policy
A Path in the Snow
Experts identify five topics as focal points for Brazilian science on the frozen continent
By Fabrício MarquesScience
Ramifications of sugarcane
Small RNA molecules control lateral stem growth in sugarcane
By Maria GuimarãesTechnology
Sophisticated packaging
Industry invests in innovation to offer safer, better-quality, more convenient products to consumers
By Yuri VasconcelosMEDICINE
Digital Autopsy
A new contrast injector and a high-power MRI help ascertain causes of death
By Marcos de OliveiraBiomedical engineering
Enhanced mobility
System will enable the severely paralyzed to drive a wheelchair with their facial muscles
By Evanildo da SilveiraHumanities
Big Data
The human ark in a deluge of data
Workshop discusses potential of eScience and affirms important role of the humanities
By Carlos Haag