Issue # 241 _ March 2016
S&T Policy
Catalyst for partnerships
Workshops promote interaction among young researchers in São Paulo and in the United Kingdom
By Bruno de PierroScience
The world’s greatest plant diversity
Botanists have recorded 46,000 species and continue to identify an average of 250 per year in Brazil
By Carlos FioravantiZOOLOGY
The voyages of sea turtles
Genetics help delineate populations of endangered species
By Maria GuimarãesIMMUNOLOGY
One way to contain parasites
Newly discovered mechanism destroys causative agents of Chagas disease
By Maria GuimarãesGEOLOGY
The ancient volcanoes of Minas
Volcanic eruptions 600 million years ago inundated what is now Rio Doce Bay with lava
50 years of calamities in South America
Earthquakes and volcanoes are more deadly, but droughts and floods affect more people
By Marcos PivettaTechnology
New materials
Bioglass implants
Two UFSCar patents licensed to a company are expected to result in dental and medical products
By Evanildo da SilveiraCORPORATE RESEARCH
Abundance from the hive
Apis Flora invests in R&D to obtain high-quality products made from propolis
By Yuri VasconcelosHumanities
Performing Arts
Theatrical costumes: naturalism and invention
A researcher explores the history of costumes for the Brazilian stage since the 19th century
By Márcio Ferrari