Issue # 342 _ August 2024
- Brazilian prisons increase risk of illness and violent death
- Prisoners are two to seven times more likely to contract infectious diseases than the general population and two to six times more likely to lose their lives to violence By Ricardo Zorzetto
- Female prisoners have poorer health than the general population and are often abandoned by their families
- Cases of hypertension, cancer, and cardiovascular disease are two to four times higher among female prisoners than in the general female population of the same age, while one-third of female prisoners never receive visits By Ricardo Zorzetto
- Elderly population in Brazilian prisons has increased more than ninefold in 18 years
- FIOCRUZ study examines the living conditions and health of elderly people in prisons in Rio de Janeiro By Christina Queiroz
- Most crimes committed by men over 60 involve sexual assault
- Among elderly women, drug trafficking and fraud are the most common crimes By Christina Queiroz

Methodology maps inequality in education networks
Matrix composed of various indicators used to evaluate school performance

Brazilian universities discuss how to regulate the use of artificial intelligence
By Sarah SchmidtARCHIVES

Memory Centers enrich institutional history
Organizing archives often causes distress, but also good surprises
By Carlos FioravantiENVIRONMENT

Pantanal breaks wildfire record in first half of the year, reflecting an increase in fires across Brazil
The number of wildfires in the biome was 16 times higher than from January to June last year
By Marcos PivettaInterview

Bruno Geloneze: Injections alone will not solve the problem
By Ricardo Zorzetto and Marcos PivettaPHYSIOLOGY

When soccer meets science
Research on recent World Cups begins to bridge the gap between sports and science
By Maria GuimarãesPHYSICS

Brazil’s first quantum cryptography network is expected to connect five research institutions
The Rio Quântica Network will transmit qubits by fiber optic cable and aerial laser

A vibrant way to control brown stink bugs
By Felipe Floresti and Carlos FioravantiTRANSPORT ENGINEERING