Issue # 83 _ January 2003
S&T Policy
Field-testing for medicines
Authorization for clinical tests on Brazilians grows 10% a year
By Vicente VilardagaScience

The limits of the sea
Survey maps the excessive exploitation of fishing resources in Brazil
By Marcos Pivettaastrophysics

The oldest one (for the time being)
Oldest star ever discovered raises questions about the formation of the Universe
By Carlos FioravantiMedicine

Insulin from the liver
Doctors and researchers implant cells and create an alternative to pancreas transplants
By Ricardo Zorzettopsychiatry

Greater risk
Variation in a gene may intensify the death of neurons and aggravate mental illnesses

Strengthened defense
Sugarcane protein has fungicidal action and may help to hold back the advance of human diseases
The land of the birds
Now there are eight species of birds that only between the Xingu and Tapajós rivers

Clean atmosphere
Equipment identical to the one to be sent to Mars monitors the air in the city of Vitória
By Shirley Ribeirometrology
Time keeping
Researchers build three atomic clocks capable of splitting one second into billionths
By Marcos de Oliveirachemistry

Samples of health
Study on propolis results in patenting a method for analyzing this resin and in an oral antiseptic

Patents in action
FAPESP does the first licensing of a product generated in a program for technological innovation
Clinical analysis

On the trail of the Trypanosome
With greater precision, new test detects presence of antibodies of Chagas's disease in the blood
By Yuri VasconcelosHumanities

Journey reading
A book by Lilia Schwarcz narrates how the Portuguese Royal Library arrived in Brazil