Issue # 98 _ April 2004
S&T Policy
It's time to collect
Researchers get ready to demand that the states pass on what is defined in law
By Claudia Iziquespace program
Radiograph of a tragedy
Shortages of human resources and materials were responsible for the accident with the VLS-1
Knowledge is capital
Researchers group themselves together in order to create a technology based company
By Marili RibeiroScience
Preserved memories
New compounds reduce the damage done by Alzheimer's disease
By Ricardo Zorzetto and Francisco Bicudoneuroscience
Bloodless Surgery
Gamma rays help in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders
By Francisco BicudoTechnology
electrical engineering
Getting the paper right
Electronic sensor eliminates loses in the drying process of cellulose paste
By Dinorah ErenoChemistry
Fibers from the sea
Company manufactures food supplements with raw material extracted from crustaceans
By Lucilia Atas MedeirosHumanities
performing arts
To dress the actor's soul
Thesis reveals the evolution of costume importance in the modern theater
By Carlos Haag