
Mexicans recover Aztec documents
Mexicans recover three Aztec documents from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
By Redação

Research helps identify lost film about the Amazon
Film about the Amazon lost in the 1920s is found in the Czech Republic
By Silvia Gomez
Research itineraries

Fighting against hunger
As well as researching the topic, historian Adriana Salay runs the “Quebrada alimentada” project on the outskirts of São Paulo

Pre-Hispanic sculpture
Ritual table used in ancient Mayan ceremonies restored
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The image as a refuge
Philosopher and anthropologist Janaína Damaceno studies audiovisual materials and investigates photographic archives of the struggle against racism

In times of digitalization and diversity, FGV CPDOC turns 50
Institution created in 1973 to house the Getúlio Vargas archive wants to expand the involvement of women and seeks new forms of classification
By Diego Viana

Luzio, similar to current Indigenous people
The oldest skeleton in São Paulo was a descendant of the people that populated the Americas 16,000 years ago
By Redação

Dreamed lives
Ethnographic studies shed light on how indigenous peoples such as the Yanomami interpret dreams

Catholicism with African roots
Researcher traces relationships between the African diaspora, from the time of slavery, and the tradition of samba in the Recôncavo Baiano, in Brazil | 6'53
By Redação

Marta Maria Azevedo: In defense of native peoples
Brazilian demographer and anthropologist Marta Azevedo pioneered in identifying the phenomenon of population recovery among Brazil’s indigenous peoples
By Christina Queiroz and Maria Guimarães

Maps used to identify indigenous and quilombola lands
Historical cartography, participatory mapping, and other initiatives are crucial resources in the fight to demarcate territories
By Diego Viana

Anthropologist of Tukano ethnicity reveals concepts of indigenous medicine
Through preventive practices, the first healthcare center based on an indigenous knowledge system has already served more than 10,000 people in Manaus | 10'38
By Redação

A recipe for preserving the body after death
Archaeologist determines detailed recipes for the balms and ointments used to mummify bodies in Ancient Egypt
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The ups and downs of Lake Titicaca
The rising water levels of Lake Titicaca flooded its banks and forced Indigenous peoples to migrate to higher ground
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How Indigenous American peoples dream
Ethnographic study shows that the Yanomami see dreams as real-world experiences