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The slow resumption of PhDs

  • After a drop in the number of doctorates awarded per year, from 24,422 in 2019 to 20,066 in 2020 (-17.8%), the number rose again slightly in 2021, and then more strongly in 2022, when 22,296 PhDs were awarded
  • While the figure is still 6.1% below 2019 (before the pandemic), different trends were observed in different fields of knowledge in the period
  • The field of applied social sciences surpassed the 2019 value by approximately 4.4% (see graph above), as did multidisciplinary, although to a lesser extent
  • The other fields have not yet reached 2019 levels, especially biological sciences, agricultural sciences, and exact & earth sciences. The fields of linguistics, literature & arts, health sciences, human sciences, and engineering have also failed to reach pre-pandemic figures
  • The graph of PhDs enrolled on and completed shows no indication of a significant rise in dropouts, since the sum of these two indicators, meaning the total number of students enrolled at the end of the year plus those who completed their doctorate in the same year, did not fall after 2019

Sources Geocapes/CAPES, data accessed on 01/05/2024. Prepared by Studies & Indicators team, DPCTA/FAPESP
