The E-Racing team from the University of Campinas (Unicamp) won its second Formula SAE Lincoln championship in the electric cars category in June 2014. The event, promoted by SAE International and held in Lincoln, Nebraska, is a competition for cars developed by university students. The 20 teams that competed in 2014 came from the USA, Germany, Italy, England, and Australia. The contenders are evaluated for characteristics including design, stability, acceleration, and fuel economy. The cars are powered by electric engines and are equipped with batteries of up to 600 volts. Made up of students from the Mechanical, Electric, and Computer Engineering schools, as well as the Physics Institute at Unicamp, the E-Racing team got the opportunity to participate in Formula SAE Lincoln by winning first place in their category in Formula SAE Brazil-Petrobras, held in November 2013 in the city of Piracicaba, state of São Paulo. In the gasoline-powered category, the winners of Formula SAE Brazil were also from Unicamp, but the team ran into traction troubles at Formula SAE Lincoln and finished in 44th place out of 80 competitors.