Students from the University of São Paulo: projects for innovative practical lessonsCECÍLIA BASTOS/JORNAL DA USP
The University of São Paulo (USP) is going to have 29 laboratories specifically for innovative practical lessons in undergraduate courses. The institution disclosed the projects selected in the invitation to bid for the Pro-innovation in Practical Undergraduate Teaching (Pró-Inovalab) program, launched in 2011. “We think it is important to qualify undergraduate teaching with solid and scientifically relevant activities,” the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Telma Zorn, told Agência FAPESP. Among the projects approved are laboratories that are going to link disciplines of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB) with those of the School of Medicine (FM), or of the School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) with the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME). Another example is a project directed at ocean sciences. “This project will include building a type of platform in the ocean, where different species can be bred,” said Telma. In the health area there were projects linked to the use of simulation instrumentation for practical lessons, such as dummies for virtual experimentation. In the area of exact sciences, an example was a project in the computing area, targeting the development of robots and artificial intelligence.