Eduardo Cesar and Fernando Frazão/Agência BrasilProtásio Lemos da Luz, José Goldemberg, and Fernanda Montenegro: recognized for their work in science and art.Eduardo Cesar and Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
The Conrado Wessel Foundation (FCW) has announced the winners of the FCW Science, Culture, and Medicine Awards for 2014. The recipients, who will each receive R$300,000, were Protásio Lemos da Luz (medicine), José Goldemberg (science), and Fernanda Montenegro (culture). Lemos da Luz a 1965 graduate of the Federal University of Paraná, is a researcher at the Heart Institute (InCor), affiliated with the University of São Paulo (USP), where he earned a PhD in cardiology in 1972 and became one of Brazil’s leading experts in atherosclerosis. One of his areas of research involves a project that compares the indices of aging and prevalence of atherosclerosis among people who drink wine with those of people who do not. Physicist José Goldemberg, 86, a professor at the USP Institute of Electrotechnology and Energy, was president of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science during the 1970s and president of USP from 1986-1990. In the federal government sphere, Goldemberg was minister of education and national secretary of the environment in the 1990s. He is considered Brazil’s leading expert in energy. Fernanda Montenegro, one of Brazil’s great actresses, has played important roles in the theater, television, and cinema. In 1998 she was nominated for an Oscar for her role in Central Station, a Walter Salles film. Winners were selected by members of the award’s 10 partner institutions, one of which is FAPESP.