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Aquatic Forest

Photograph of lizard Agustín Camacho/USP

Aboard a boat on the Rio Negro, a Loxopholis ferreirai lizard scales a researcher’s arm. “This species is endemic to the Amazon rainforest, so it copes well with water,” says biologist Tuliana Brunes. The scene took place during an expedition led by lizard specialist Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues, a professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) who traveled to the Amazon in May this year to study reptiles and amphibians in the region. “The species had previously only been found in the Anavilhanas archipelago, but now we believe its habitat extends some 600 kilometers west of the Rio Negro,” Brunes says.

Images submitted by Tuliana Brunes, a postdoctoral researcher at the USP Institute of Biosciences
